Drop your current T-Shirt Like a Bad Habit – Eco Friendly Custom T-Shirts
Eco-Friendly T-Shirts are now Eco-Responsible with Allmade Apparel Now at Monkey in a Dryer
Being an eco-friendly screen printing company and providing recycled and organic cotton t-shirts isn’t anything new to us here at MONKEY IN A DRYER. We are even more environmentally aware of our industries negative impact on the environment and how it has contributed to climate change and how that in turn effects others around the world. We want to change that. It begins with low water grown organic cotton, re-using recyclable materials, and using ethically sourced labor…putting people first over profit Al this will help in reducing our industry’s impact on the environment.
Everyone loves a T-shirt! It’s not only an item of clothing we put on our bodies so we don’t scare the people around us, but it often serves as a extension of our personality. It can be a way that we communicate a message to others or how we feel about something…environmental issues, politics, or an event…memorabilia from the best rock concert tour Eva! It can serve as a way to introduce your small business to the world with your company’s logo, a funny saying or graphic. It can be the one common denominator or message that brings people together…your sports team, fundraiser, family reunions, birthdays and the ever popular bachelor and bachelorette parties.
We love our t-shirts right?! Absolutely! I wear a t-shirt everyday, whether it’s a stand alone on a warm day, a layer underneath a sweater, (it’s Minnesota ya know), or I’ll rock it as a night shirt. Circa 1983 Def Leppard Pyromania Tour tee is my pajama jam! My go to t-shirts are the ones that are super soft and hold a special meaning to me…the memory of what I was doing when I got it. For a brief moment, I’ll catch myself reminiscing about when, where and why I bought that special shirt. Ah, the memories!
This brings us to present day 2018, and a new way of thinking has emerged about single use apparel. The promotional t-shirt had often been something you wore once then shunned it away into t-shirt purgatory to never be seen from again. Not anymore! Eco-friendly t-shirts have been available for some time now but people are demanding even more out of a t-shirt. Our society has shifted to thinking more about what the t-shirts are made from…organic cotton, bamboo, hemp, recycled or pre worn fabrics. They are asking where the t-shirt was made, who made it, is the manufacturing company ethical, do they pay the people who made the shirt a livable wage? These are the questions we at MIAD ask ourselves when deciding what products we want to offer our customers. That is why we have chosen to partner with Allmade Apparel, our newest and one of the most ethically sourced t-shirt companies today.
Allmade Apparel is the collaboration of ten seasoned screen printing companies that believe in making a better t-shirt. How do they make a better t-shirt? By offering one of the more luxuriously soft t-shirts on the market today and being socially and environmentally responsible.
Who doesn’t love a soft tri-blend tee. One of our favorite go to tee is the Allmade Tri-Blend T-shirt. A labor of love goes into each and every shirt and contains organic, non-GMO, US grown cotton, polyester thread made from recycled plastic water bottles, and the secret sauce (not so secret now) that pulls it all together, the ingredient that makes the fabric so luxuriously soft is…TENCEL™ Modal. Made from sustainably harvested beech trees in PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification schemes) certified European forests. Beech trees regenerate from the root system and thus do not require replanting or use of irrigation. Cutting down on the millions of gallons of water that goes into producing cotton and replacing it with recycled and sustainable materials while keeping the t-shirt soft and wearable is a win win for everyone. Way to go Allmade!
In addition to the direct impact to the environment, most of Allmade materials are sourced right here in the US, then shipped to Haiti to be sewn into shirts, and shipped back to the US for sale. Why Haiti you ask? Good question..
A typical t-shirt will travel 16,000 miles: cotton grown in one country, shipped to another to be processed into fiber, and another to be spun into yarn, and another to be knitted into fabric, and so on. Most of this shipping is done using bunker fuel, a heavy oil residue so toxic most countries won’t let ships using it within 200 miles of shore.
Haiti, on the other hand, is a mere 500 miles from Miami and that’s as far as our fabric and shirts have to go – a significant reduction in shipping.
But that’s not all folks! Allmade wanted to help break the cycle of poverty in Haiti. Many of the t-shirts people wear today are from poor Central and South American countries like Haiti. A typical garment worker in these countries, often work long hours, in unsafe working conditions, for little pay. Allmade is changing that.
“We experienced first-hand the economic and environmental devastation experienced by garment workers, and realized what a positive impact we could have by creating dignified living wage jobs that empower the proud people of Haiti to take care of themselves and their families.” – Allmade Apparel
Children in countries like Haiti, where the average worker earns a mere $3/day to support a family of 8, are at a high-risk of orphanage. The typical orphan in Haiti is not without parents, but rather without parents who can afford to care for their most basic needs—food, shelter, clothing, education,and basic healthcare.
Allmade has partnered with the Global Orphan Project to produce great quality shirts, while fighting generational poverty in Haiti. LIFE, the Haitian facility where Allmade shirts are produced, is among a number of ventures the GO Project has developed to create dignified work that keeps families together.
They pay workers 3-4x the going rate for similar jobs in the area, an amount carefully calculated to meet the basic needs of a Haitian household. 100% of LIFE’s profits are dedicated to programs that support orphans.
“We are wholly committed to breaking the cycle of poverty and child abandonment in Haiti, We will do this first by making high quality, fashionable shirts that are a pleasure to print on and wear, and then by leveraging our industry influence to make Allmade a brand consumers ask for by name.” – Allmade Apparel
We are very honored to be partnering with Allmade Apparel and offering a socially and environmentally friendly t-shirt option for our customers. We are offering a 10% discount on custom printed Allmade t-shirts ordered through the end of 2018. Give us a call today for a quote or come by the studio and cozy up to one of these super soft t-shirts. FREE FEELS!!